Treating Headaches Using the Chiropractic Approach

October 23, 2020
Treating Headaches Using the Chiropractic Approach

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Getting a headache is perhaps one of those things that we all commonly share because one way or another, each of us has experienced it, and we all know how it feels. The pain may come in varying degrees and may be caused by different factors, but the experience of having one is something that sets the familiarity among us.

When people encounter this situation, the first thing they usually do is take some pain reliever to alleviate the pain. Fortunately, there is now a better way to deal with the problem at this time, and this is through chiropractic treatment. This kind of method employs a more holistic approach, and you do not have to retake those pills, which makes it a much healthier option to relieve the pain.

What Causes Headaches?

woman having a headache

In North America, migraine comes third among the motivation for coming to a chiropractor. A lot of different causes bring about this kind of experience. Still, most are linked to muscle tension in the neck region because more and more people are getting engaged with stationary activities such as reading, sitting in front of the screen or computer, sewing, typing, and the like. These sedentary activities tend to create irritation in the joints and tension in the upper back, scalp, and neck. 

Aside from muscle tension, migraines may also arise from environmental factors such as stress, noises, lights, etc. or may also affect certain foods. It could also be influenced by some specific behaviors, including too much exercise, changes in blood sugar level, or insomnia. About 90% of Americans experience headaches at different frequencies because some have it occasionally. Others have it more often. Still, others feel dull and throbbing, or severe pain and even nausea. Headaches may also be associated with some underlying problems either in the neck or the head and can be episodic or chronic.

Being in this situation can bring so much discomfort and anxiety as it affects many aspects of our lives, including family, work, and social, so we must deal with and have it treated. If you are not the type of person who likes popping a pill for pain, chiropractic treatment may be a better option for you.

Types of Migraines and the Recommended Treatments

person having a headache xray

Just like several reasons cause our head to ache, there are also different headaches, and each has a corresponding appropriate treatment in chiropractic practice. If you are experiencing a headache that is either chronic or episodic, the recommended chiropractic treatment is spinal manipulation and massage. However, if yours is tension-type, an effective treatment may be low-load craniocervical mobilization. Cervicogenic headaches, on the other hand, may be treated using either any of the following: spinal manipulation, deep neck reflexor exercises, joint mobilization, device-assisted spinal manipulation, change in lifestyle, physical therapy, massage, ice and heat therapy, or advanced soft tissue therapy. This kind of migraine is associated with a particular source like the neck or is perceived in other head areas that may be caused trauma in the neck, cervical range of motion, a type of neck disorder, or focal neck tenderness.

The usual kind of headaches that people go through is migraine and the tension-type or what is also called as episodic migraine. The tension-type is experienced less than 15 days per month while the other kind, chronic headaches usually occur for 15 days and up per month. 

 The Chiropractic Approach

chiropractor massaging clients head for headache relief

Dealing with an ache in the head can bring so much discomfort, but there are some ways that we can do to prevent it from happening. To avoid getting headaches due to sedentary tasks, try to do some stretching or break after every half an hour. When you do your stretching, make sure that your neck and head go through a range of motion comfortably, or you may also do some low impact exercises. Other ways to prevent headaches are drinking a minimum of 8 oz. glasses of water every day to avoid dehydration and not clenching your teeth. 

Though we try our best to avoid the factors that give us migraines, there are just times and situations when we cannot prevent it from happening. When it happens, then we have to deal with it. In this day and age, taking medication is not the only option to relieve ourselves. Still, there is a much better solution that is more natural and holistic through chiropractic practice. 

In a chiropractic approach, headaches are often treated through the method of spinal manipulation, which many studies reveal and prove to be an effective treatment for pain originating from the neck and tension headaches, cervicogenic headaches, and other types of migraines. Other forms of interventions, such as the multimodal approach, also prove to produce highly favorable outcomes. The duration of a chiropractic approach to treating migraines varies depending on the patient's condition.

If you are going for this kind of treatment, make sure that your chiropractor has some excellent credentials and is trustworthy. One of the best in the chiropractic industry is the DeBole Chiropractic, whose aim is to offer a complete chiropractic care package to its clients. Among their services include chiropractic care, which helps the body work the way it should. Part of this service is correcting balance to make the body resistant to diseases, optimal wellness, joint motion, and the nerve's normal functioning. Pregnancy chiropractic care, on the other hand, provides aid to pregnant women so they can adequately deal with the pain or any physical discomfort as well the changes in their body, and spinal decompression offers thorough and effective treatments that allow the patient to heal in a much faster way; auto accident injuries are also treated to prevent them from turning into chronic conditions.

chiropractor adjusting older woman head

DeBole Chiropractic offers a variety of chiropractic approaches for different types of health situations, such as managing the pain or injuries resulting from sports. Chiropractors believe that many pain-related issues like a car accident or some stress-associated injuries can be treated with some chiropractic treatments and a holistic approach. With these kinds of concerns, they trace the source of the pain to make the necessary adjustment to relieve the patient's pain. Besides treatment, they also advise about some corrective exercises that patients can do to avoid the problem from recurring.

In sports, injuries can be prevented by doing some stretching, conditioning, and warming up even on the off-season. Still, even with these measures, sports injuries cannot be avoided. Some of the common injuries that DeBole Chiropractic treat are sprains, tendonitis, sprains, runner's knee, back pain, neck pain, and tennis elbow.

More than treatment and other approaches such as massages, physical therapies, or exercises, chiropractors at DeBole also do the necessary X-rays. They do this before and after treatment so that patients can see the effect of the procedure, and this kind of service is much appreciated because there is hard proof that they are indeed better. 

To know more about DeBole Chiropractic as well as their chiropractic approaches, services, chiropractors, and treatments, you may check out their website:

Chiropractic doctors go through an immense amount of training so they can provide treatment to people naturally and holistically, and this also means going more than just treating back pains. Chiropractors are knowledgeable in determining how tension in the spine can affect other parts of the body, and at the same time, takes that knowledge to offer solutions and relieve those concerns. 

woman getting adjustment head from chiro

When you go for the chiropractic approach, do expect that the chiropractor may do some chiropractic adjustments or spinal manipulation depending on your condition. These are some techniques that will help improve your spinal function and, at the same time, relieve the stress on your body, thus giving optimal wellness. Chiropractors may also recommend you to change your diet or make some changes in your lifestyle. They may even advise you to take B complex vitamins to enhance your health further. More than all these, a chiropractor can also give suggestions on what appropriate exercises are best for you, the right posture to prevent body pains, ergonomics, and some tips on relaxation techniques. 

Take all those pieces of advice that you will get from your chiropractor because it will surely lead you to have much better health and spine. More importantly, those tips will prevent you from experiencing another muscle tension or joint irritation that gives pain and discomfort. 

If you experience headaches, try not to use medicines as an immediate relief but try the chiropractic way, and you may just be surprised at the overall effect that it would give your body as well as your general well-being.

When looking for a chiropractor, make sure that you find the one that has great credentials. Try to check out some reviews and feedbacks from their past and present clients and you may also ask them first if they have already done a treatment that is similar to your condition. If you are satisfied with the response, it should be the one. 

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Location: 6280 Route 96 Victor, NY 14564 US
Contact: (585) 433-5680
Clinic Details
DeBole Chiropractic
6280 NY-96 Suite E, Victor, NY 14564
(585) 433-5680
Clinic Hours
Monday8:00am - 11:30am3:30-5:30pm
TuesdayClosed2:00pm - 6:00pm
Wednesday8:00am - 11:30amClosed
Thursday11:00am - 1:00pm2:00pm - 6:00pm
Friday8:00am - 11:00am2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday11:30am - 1:00pmClosed
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