Handling Pain After Car Accidents

April 19, 2021
Handling Pain After Car Accidents - Dr Norman Odell Debole

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When a car accident happens, especially the minor one, those involved simply exchange information, settle necessary things and walk away as if nothing happened and everything is fine with them. They are not aware that no matter how minor or major the accident is, it is crucial to see a healthcare professional.

It is essential to consult your doctor for pain after a car accident so he can examine you thoroughly for possible injuries you might have gotten but haven’t felt yet. When one accident occurs, there are cases when you do not realize the pain at the moment.

The reason is that, since you are stressed when the accident happens, the brain has potentially blocked and ignored the actual pain from the injury. It is simply responding to the reality that you just need to secure your safety for that moment.

Why There Is A Delayed Pain Following a Car Accident

person holding lower back

It is not uncommon to realize pain days or weeks after a car accident. This situation is pretty usual as several symptoms take time to appear. But, if you have already consulted a healthcare provider and have received a clean bill of health, then days or weeks later, you start experiencing a new type of aches, seek out a doctor’s help right away. It could be signs of a more severe condition or injury.

You must not ignore any pain, especially if it comes from a recent car accident, as it could mean a more serious problem in the future. Some common symptoms that are usually felt days after a car accident are headaches. It could be a symptom of an injury either in the head or the neck or a sign of concussion, blood clot, pain, and stiffness in the neck or shoulder.

Other signs could be back pain which can be a symptom of nerve damage, ligaments damage, or muscle tension; numbness is another sign, and it could mean an injury to the neck or spine. Challenge with movement and coordination can be a sign of a concussion, pain in the abdomen can indicate internal bleeding, and changes in thinking or personality may signify minor damage to the brain, which is revealing in a different form.

Injuries as a result of a car accident involve physical ones and affect the person psychologically. A few of the most usual psychological effects after a car accident are Post Traumatic Disorder or PTSD, which can affect the person’s view about phases in life and lead to depression and anxiety.

Do You Need to Worry About The Delayed Pain?

man helping young woman out of her wheelchair

The symptoms following a car accident may vary depending on what kind of injury and the type of incidence happened. But if you will ask if there is something to worry about when you experience delayed pain, perhaps the answers differ based on every person’s experience.

One thing for sure is that the moment you feel the fresh pains days or weeks after it happened, you must see a healthcare professional perform thorough check-ups. It is crucial because there may be other serious injuries that need to be communicated as early as possible.

Ignoring these new pains can lead to more damage which is why seeing your doctor is highly advised. For example, internal bleeding or bruising may occur after 24 or 72 hours; symptoms of an injury to the brain or the neck may appear only after ten days. Other underlying signs like a concussion can appear after several hours or days after the car accident. The widespread chronic pain or CWP may still happen anytime during a year following the car accident.

Some of these symptoms, if not being treated right away, may result in a life-threatening situation. Seeking help from your healthcare provider is always the best thing to do. Comprehensive examinations and tests can be done and properly treated immediately right away.

man holding back of neck in pain

The experience of delayed symptoms after an accident shouldn’t be taken for granted. It must be dealt with at the onset of the condition. Understanding the preventative methods and knowing about these possible concerns can help soften the common injuries related to car accidents. Among the most usual ones is whiplash which affects the muscles and the tendons. This condition may emerge later on when the soft tissue parts begin to become inflamed and bruised.

Back pain due to strains to the herniated disks may also bring numbness on the limb or sciatica. For these types of aches and conditions, you may want to consider the help from a chiropractor and analyze if chiropractic care is something you would like to try for your treatment.

Seeing a chiropractor will not hurt and may be worth it because some of these experts offer a free consultation anyway. Getting a proper assessment of your injuries because of a car accident and having the right treatment will go a long way. You will not only avoid further damage, but you don’t have to worry about specific injuries as well in the future.

From the legal perspective, it suggests attaining a complete medical evaluation before signing a release liability to prevent losing in compensation for damages that you are not aware of. If possible, they recommend weighing out the maximum medical development that talks about reaching the complete recovery before signing the liability and settling your claim.

Whether the accident is a minor or a major one, it is vital to consult a healthcare provider. It can be a doctor or a chiropractor for a proper assessment of your condition because this is the only way to know if you have injuries that may affect your overall health and well-being in the future.

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Location: 6280 Route 96 Victor, NY 14564 US
Contact: (585) 433-5680
Clinic Details
DeBole Chiropractic
6280 NY-96 Suite E, Victor, NY 14564
(585) 433-5680
Clinic Hours
Monday8:00am - 11:30am3:30-5:30pm
TuesdayClosed2:00pm - 6:00pm
Wednesday8:00am - 11:30amClosed
Thursday11:00am - 1:00pm2:00pm - 6:00pm
Friday8:00am - 11:00am2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday11:30am - 1:00pmClosed
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